Monday, April 7, 2008

Weight Loss: Recovering from a Back Injury

I spent about two years unable to walk. My back injury had relegated me to using a cane at the age of 22. I was not very happy about this--who would be?

Considering my toned physical appearance up until my injury, I was slightly traumatized when I celebrated my 23rd birthday at a whopping 203 pounds! When I look at pictures from that time, I don't think I look fat. I carried my weight rather well and still seemed attractive (if I dressed up). I am in amazement, however, of my ability to weigh 145 pounds today. I did it slowly, took me about five years! I continue to aim for a healthier body every day that goes by.


When you're using a cane, walking, no matter how "low impact," is not possible. Well, it's certainly not pleasant! It's unlikely that anyone could find the motivation to walk if you are in pain or really overweight. Walking is relaxing, but not when you're sweating and puffing out a lung.

The first and most important step is to give yourself a huge chunk of time. Unrealistic goals put undue pressure on your self-image and make you insecure and unable to be proud of the little success you accomplish with your body. Recovering from an injury is no small feat, and recovering your former body shape is (should be) second in priority to being healthy, safe, and careful.

I injured myself in March 2002. I finished my rehabilitation around March 2003 and continued to need a cane well into October 2003. My first goal was to "not use a cane" for day-to-day activities. From March through October, that was my focus, and I did it! Fine, it took a few months, but I had given myself until the end of the year to succeed. I was early! My next goal was to lose 20 pounds, in no set timeframe. It took me two years to lose those 20 pounds n a healthy and non-yo-yo manner. It wasn't until March 2006 that I began to develop a structured workout routine, because I wanted to give myself 3 full years from my injury before "being normal again." During the summer of 2006, I lost 20 pounds, and the rest I have continued to lose through today.

I'm in no rush. I'm healthy, and I lose weight the right way--by moving!

My process:
Let's move slowly and "in layers."

Moving in layers means that you build on your movements throughout the day. It was the secret to being 103, 118, and 128 (whatever I thought was fashionable at the time), and it became the same secret I used to lose weight in a consistent and permanent manner, despite an injury.

When I woke up each morning then, I stayed in bed and stretched. It hurt. I couldn't touch my toes and my former yoga-limbered body could hardly survive standing up from bed, but there I was reaching for those toes every morning. Throughout the day, I did air leg lifts to build muscles in my legs to support my back and I did ab crunches for the same reason. I walked a little bit more each day, even if it meant I was just walking to the car or parking further away at work. At its earliest stages, I was walking back and forth in my apartment. I took stairs whenever possible and I stretched often at night.

As my body became more flexible and more apt to moving again, I built on my movements. A walk down the hall at work became a quick lunchtime walk around the local park lake. A simple grocery bag became my quest for arm muscle resistance. Watching television or a movie became an opportunity to flex my muscles and focus on my posture. I love to flex: abs, buttocks, thighs, calves, and arms. Again, it's the little movements that build on one another.

It is 2008, and it has taken me 5 years to fully recover from my back injury. In the summer of 2006, however, my back went out on me, and I became very afraid. I walked around with a back brace! I was walking 5 miles a day, including my commute to and from New York City. There was too much strain on my back. I had to take care of myself! I made a commitment to plateau on my weight until my abs were stronger. I focused on muscle tone throughout my body.

In the last year, I have only lost about 10 pounds, but I have lost 3 dress sizes! After a healthy dose of cardio and muscle-building, I am now back to doing yoga, like before my back injury.

I now do yoga every day and night, sometimes just for 20 minutes.

I walk whenever I can, and I enjoy the ability to do so without pain.

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